
Itamar Zorman, violin

The tour was unforgettable. Such a great group of people, and the Berg experience was absolutely unique. Only at Marlboro could we have dived so deeply into the Lyric Suite, to the extent necessary so that everywhere we went we managed to have many people connect to it strongly, emotionally.

Gabriele Carcano, piano

MFM tours were my first touring experience in the United States and Canada, something that I’ll never forget and will always bear a special place in my memories. Not only for the concerts, but for sharing travels and stage with many good friends and musicians. I can’t forget my first impression of DC, as well…

Matan Porat, piano

On my first Marlboro tour I was playing the Ligeti horn trio with Soovin Kim and Benjamin Jaber and was extremely happy to share this modern masterpiece with audiences around the country. This tour was memorable for many more reasons—an amazing laser-tag game in Washington DC before one of the concerts; the stress everyone had when…

Rebecca Ringle, mezzo-soprano

I don’t know how often Musician from Marlboro tours have small children tag along, but on the early spring tour this year, we waded through the worst blizzards the Northeast had seen in years… with Dénes Várjon and Izabella Simon’s four-year-old daughter Liana in tow. This made the group move slower… frequent bathroom and run…

Michelle Ross, violin

My first summer at Marlboro was in 2011. After three weeks of rehearsing, blue skies, and egg-McMarlboros, the “real” world has surely melted away by this point. When the first concerts begin, as a community we finally have the pleasure of sharing and receiving these musical gifts from artists who will transport you to another…

Brook Speltz, cello

It has been one of the great honors of my life to attend Marlboro. I vividly remember arriving for my first summer. I had borrowed Pete Checcia’s old Volvo station wagon from Philadelphia and driven up with Vicki Powell. I had looked forward to attending Marlboro for years, and when we pulled of the Interstate…

Jonathan Biss, piano

I was 18 when I went on my first of several Marlboro tours, and it was nothing short of a formative experience for me. I’d had very limited performing experience at the time, and it was certainly the first time I went on the sort of tour where one repeats the same repertoire in each…

Anna Polonsky, piano

An MFM tour is to performance what the Marlboro School is to rehearsal. During a  Marlboro summer, a chamber music group gets the unique experience of delving into a piece in the greatest detail possible, perfecting, discussing, experimenting, and ultimately coming together in a convincing interpretation. However, it is sometimes during an actual performance, during…

Hyunah Yu, soprano

(2005 DC Tour) …I remember during that tour, particularly when we went to New Orleans, as we were riding in a van everyone was so tired but especially Sammy fell asleep with his mouth so wide open I snuck some pictures of him…and we laughed SO hard afterwards!! As tiring as it was to travel,…

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